Watches of Mayfair


Dear customer,

We welcome you on our homepage. Here is some valuable information for you:

1. We guarantee that all of our watches are brand new, authentic, with original documents and packaging. We only sell brand new watches with documents and packaging.

2. All watches come with our company's 2 years (for some brands 3-5 years) warranty.

3. We work with many brands. In case, if we do not have something on stock, it is always possible to order the desired model (approx. 2-3 weeks delivery, depending on the watch).

4. If the buyer is outside the EU, it is possible to buy without VAT (20%). Prices displayed include VAT.

5. We can also arrange for self-pickup in several worldwide locations.

6. We ship worldwide.

7. Shipments within the EU (also Switzerland and Norway) are insured and free for our customers.

8. We accept cash, credit/debit cards, bank transfers.

9. Our staff speak English, Сhinese, French, German, Russian and Greek.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Store Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday: 11:00 - 19:00

Saturday, Sunday - By Appoinments Only.


You can also contact us via mobile applications:

Skype: watchesofmayfair

WeChat: watchesofmayfair

Viber: Watches of Mayfair

WhatsApp: +447555658800


Our social media profiles:





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